Future Reservoir Simulation Systems and Technology Research
Research Team Resources Industry Recruiting  




We are on the lookout for Engineers, Mathematicians, and Computer Scientists who are interested in Scientific Computational Mathematics, and in pursuing a career in Energy.

We look for candidates with at least:
  1. Primary (deep) strengths in one of our three core areas,
  2. Secondary (broad) interest in another area, and,
  3. Interest in learning about the third.


Examples of what we consider as a breadth or secondary focus in this area:
  1. Structured programming using a compiled language. Familiarity with Data Abstraction tactics. Familiarity with standard libraries.
  2. Knowledge of, and skill in, several interpreted scripting languages: e.g. Python or MATLAB.
  3. Linux, Windows, and Solaris Unix.
In addition to the breadth skill set, we consider demonstrated coursework or experience with the following to be a deep or primary focus:
  1. Computer Organization for programmers: x86, pipelining and instruction level parallelism, the memory hierarchy, speculative execution and prefetching.
  2. Compilers optimizations and programming for them including SIMD via SSE.
  3. Data structures and algorithms.
  4. Object Oriented Programming, Generic Programming, and Metaprogramming.
  5. Familiarity with parallel methods using OpenMP, MPI, and/or CUDA.

Breadth or secondary focus in this area:
  1. Basic engineering Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.
  2. Some Linear Algebra (e.g. LU Decomposition).
  3. Newton's method.
  4. Numerical Methods.

Depth or primary focus in this area:
  1. Partial Differential Equations (Parabolic and Hyperbolic),
  2. Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra (Iterative and Direct Methods),
  3. Basic functional analysis and proof techniques such as homotopy continuation, and,
  4. Awareness of discretization methods; e.g. finite volume, finite element, and/or spectral methods.

Breadth or secondary focus in this area:
  1. Reservoir Engineering; bulk material balance, conservation equations, constitutive relations
  2. Well test analysis

Depth or primary focus in this area:
  1. Pressure equation: Laplace transforms, Green’s functions, and transient analysis,
  2. Multiphase flow: the method of characteristics for two and three phase flow,
  3. Reservoir simulation: Fully-implicit methods, two/multi point flux approximations, multistage preconditioning.
  4. Thermodynamics of equilibria.