Our software will be made available through an online third-party source management system. We will provide links to our repositories soon.

A description of our software is available here. Each software module is furnished with a users’ manual as well as technical documentation that is more appropriate for contributors who are interested in extending or modifying our modules.

  1. The Discrete Problem Programming Toolkit
    • faSTL
    • Automatic Variables (ADETL 2.0)
    • Discrete Continuum
    • Discrete Operators
    • Automatic Equations
  2. GenSOL
    • Newton based solvers
    • Continuation integrated timestepping and nonlinear solution
    • Multirate and localized solvers
    • Adaptive implicit time integration

Soham Sheth

Localized Linear Systems in Implicit Time Stepping For Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations[pdf]

Jiamin Jiang

Advanced Discretization Framework for Fully-Implicit Simulation of Multiphysics Flow in Porous Media [pdf]

Yuanshan Zhang

Choke Management of Unconventional Researvoir by Use of an Approximate Semianalytical Model[pdf]

Guotong Ren

A fully coupled geomechanics and multiphase flow and transport simulation model fornaturally and hydraulically fractured reservoirs[pdf]

Zhe Liu

Clustering-Based Robust Optimization of Smart Wells in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs[pdf]

Yuchen Zhang

A Data-Driven Optimal Production Control Strategy For Unconventional Reservoirs[pdf]

Shahriyar Alkhasli

On sufficient conditions for the convergence of damped Newton methods for the implicit simulation of transport[pdf]

Jiamin Jiang

Hybrid Multicontinuum and Discrete Fracture-Matrix Discretization Schemes For Unconventional Reservoir Simulation [pdf]

Ruslan Miftakhov

The Modified Continuation-Newton with Adaptive Steplength Selection[pdf]

Soham Sheth

A Priori Characterization of Locality Within Sequential-Implicit Nonlinear Solution Processes[pdf]

Journal Articles
  1. Jiamin Jiang and Rami M. Younis. “An efficient fully-implicit high-resolution MFD-MUSCL method for multiphase flow with gravity in discrete fractured media”. In: Advances in Water Resources ( in review).
  2. Jiamin Jiang and Rami M. Younis. “C1-continuous Phase-Potential Upwind (C1-PPU) Schemes for Efficient Simulation of Fully-coupled Multiphase Flow with Gravity”. In: Advances in Water Resources ( in review).
  3. Guotong Ren et al. “A Bayesian model selection analysis of equilibrium and nonequilibrium models for multiphase flow in porous media”. In: International Journal of Multiphase Flow 89 (2017), pp. 313– 320.
  4. Ioannis Argyros et al. “The Asymptotic Mesh Independence Principle of Newton’s Method Under Weaker Conditions”. In: PanAmerican Mathematical Journal 26.04 (2016), pp. 44–56.
  5. Jiamin Jiang and Rami Younis. “Hybrid Coupled Discrete-Fracture/Matrix and Multicontinuum Models for Unconventional-Reservoir Simulation”. In: SPE Journal 21.03 (2016), pp. 1009–1027.
  6. Jiamin Jiang and Rami M. Younis. “Compositional modeling of enhanced hydrocarbons recovery for fractured shale gas-condensate reservoirs with the effects of capillary pressure and multicomponent mechanisms”. In: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 34 (2016), pp. 1262–1275.
  7. Guotong Ren, Jiamin Jiang, and Rami M. Younis. “A Fully Coupled XFEM-EDFM Model for Multi- phase Flow and Geomechanics in Fractured Tight Gas Reservoirs”. In: Procedia Computer Science 80 (2016), pp. 1404 –1415. issn: 1877-0509.
  8. Soham Sheth and Rami M. Younis. “Localized linear systems for sequential implicit simulation of flow and transport”. In: SPE Journal ( in review).
  9. Soham M. Sheth and Rami M. Younis. “Localized Computation of Newton Updates in Fully-implicit Two-phase Flow Simulation”. In: Procedia Computer Science 80 (2016), pp. 1392 –1403. issn: 1877-0509.
  10. Jiamin Jiang and Rami M Younis. “A multimechanistic multicontinuum model for simulating shale gas reservoir with complex fractured system”. In: Fuel 161 (2015), pp. 333–344.
  11. Jiamin Jiang and Rami M Younis. “Numerical study of complex fracture geometries for unconven- tional gas reservoirs using a discrete fracture-matrix model”. In: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26 (2015), pp. 1174–1186.
  12. R.M. Younis. “A Sharp Analytical Bound on the Spatiotemporal Locality in General Two-phase Flow and Transport Phenomena”. In: Procedia Computer Science 18 (2013), pp. 473 –480. issn: 1877-0509.
Conference Proceedings
Jiamin Jiang and Rami Younis. “An Efficient Fully-implicit MFD-MUSCL Method based on a Novel Multislope Limiting Procedure”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. Society of Petroleum Engi- neers. 2017. 

Jiamin Jiang and Rami Younis. “C1-continuous PPU Schemes for Efficient Simulation of Fully- coupled Multiphase Flow with Gravity”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2017.

Giorgiy Lutidze and Rami Younis. “Nonlinear Safeguarding Strategies for Fully Implicit Timestep- ping and Complex Processes”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. Society of Petroleum Engi- neers. 2017.

Guotong Ren and Rami Younis. “Fully-Coupled XFEM-EDFM Hybrid Model for Geomechanics and Flow in Fractured Reservoirs”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2017.

Soham Sheth and Rami Younis. “Localized Solvers for General Full-Resolution Implicit Reservoir Simulation”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2017.

Jiamin Jiang and Rami M Younis. “Compositional Modeling of Enhanced Hydrocarbons Recovery for Fractured Shale Gas-Condensate Reservoirs with the Effects of Capillary Pressure and Multi- component Mechanisms”. In: SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2016.

J Jiang and RM Younis. “An Efficient Fully-implicit High-resolution MFD-MUSCL Method for Two-phase Flow with Gravity in Discrete Fractured Media”. In: ECMOR XIV-15th European Confer- ence on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2016.

J Jiang and RM Younis. “C1-PPU Schemes for Efficient Simulation of Coupled Flow and Transport with Gravity”. In: ECMOR XIV-15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2016.

G Lutidze and RM Younis. “Damping of Newton Iterations Using Automatic Error-control Step- length Selection”. In: ECMOR XIV-15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2016.

G Ren, JM Jiang, and RM Younis. “XFEM-EDFM-MINC for Coupled Geomechanics and Flow in Fractured Reservoirs”. In: ECMOR XIV-15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2016.

SM Sheth and RM Younis. “Localized Computation of Newton Updates for General Fully-implicit Reservoir Simulation”. In: ECMOR XIV-15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2016.

Jiamin Jiang, Rami M Younis, et al. “A generic physics-based numerical platform with hybrid frac- ture modelling techniques for simulating unconventional gas reservoirs”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2015.

Jiamin Jiang et al. “Rate Transient Effects of Various Complex Fracture Network Topologies in Un- conventional Gas Reservoirs: A Numerical Simulation Study”. In: Unconventional Resources Tech- nology Conference (URTEC). 2015.

Duc H Le, Rami Younis, Albert C Reynolds, et al. “A History Matching Procedure for Non-Gaussian Facies Based on ES-MDA”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2015.

Soham M Sheth, Rami M Younis, et al. “Localized linear systems for sequential implicit simulation of flow and transport”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2015.

L Zhe et al. “A Diagnostic Framework for Bashed Wells in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Numerical Simulation and Model Selection Theory Approach”. In: SPE/CSUR Unconventional Resources Confer- ence. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2015.

J Jiang and RM Younis. “A Multi-continuum Compositional Model for CO2-EGR Process in Stimu- lated Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs”. In: ECMOR XIV-14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2014.

Jiamin Jiang, Yuanyuan Shao, Rami M Younis, et al. “Development of a multi-continuum multi- component model for enhanced gas recovery and CO2 storage in fractured shale gas reservoirs”. In: SPE improved oil recovery symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2014.

S Sheth and RM Younis. “Asynchronous multirate newton-a class of nonlinear solver that adaptively localizes computation”. In: ECMOR XIV-14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2014.