Rami M. Younis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Stephenson Hall 2280
+1 (918) 631-2426
Email: ryounis@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. Candidates
Giorgiy Lutidze
Email: giorgiy-lutidze@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Developing robust and efficient nonlinear solution strategies for complex implicit simulations such as thermally reactive compositional models. Developing flow network based surrogate models for three-dimensional three-phase thermal simulations.
Guotong Ren
Email: guotong-ren@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Numerical simulation of coupled geomechanics and fluid flow in fractured porous media. Hybrid (Extended) Finite Element and Finite Volume discretizations for coupled multiphysics. Fracture propagation using XFEM-EDFM.
Ya Yao
Email: yay1345@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Developing a numerical simulator to model multiphase flow in wellbore.
M.S. Students
Yuxuan Jing
Email: yuxuan-jing@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Developing a numerical simulator to model seismic wave propagation in unconventional reservoirs. Investigating the possibility of extending lithotripsy to the reservoir scale, enabling waterless inter-well bulk fracturing using seismic waves.
Yukun Yan
Email: yuy608@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Estimating the Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Shale Formations.
Zheng Han
Email: zhh7942@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Developing a simulator which is based on XFEM and full-waveform inversion, integrating history matching with seismic to solve production problems.
Wen Cao
Email: wec8371@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
I am working on developing a theoretical basis and practical application of promising class of safeguarding strategy in the context of the solution of complex physics.
Siwei Zhao
Email: siz8298@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Developing a data-driven choke management method for primary production in unconventional reservoirs.
Developing and testing a choke-setting control procedure that results in improved profitability over a 5-10 year time horizon.
Eric Wang
Email: juw237@utulsa.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Developing a generic Multi-Physics reservoir simulator which concerned generality and computational performance.
Soham Sheth
Research Reservoir Engineer at TOTAL
Localized Linear Systems in Implicit Time Stepping For Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations[pdf]
Jiamin Jiang
Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University
Advanced Discretization Framework for Fully-Implicit Simulation of Multiphysics Flow in Porous Media [pdf]
Yuanshan Zhang
Research Assistant at The University of Tulsa
Choke Management of Unconventional Researvoir by Use of an Approximate Semianalytical Model[pdf]
Guotong Ren
Ph.D. Candidate at The University of Tulsa
A Fully Coupled Geomechanics and Multiphase Flow and Transport Simulation Model for Naturally and Hydraulically Fractured Reservoirs[pdf]
Zhe Liu
Ph.D. Candidate at The University of Tulsa
Clustering-Based Robust Optimization of Smart Wells in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs[pdf]
Yuchen Zhang
Reservoir Engineer at Oxy
A Data-Driven Optimal Production Control Strategy For Unconventional Reservoirs[pdf]
Shahriyar Alkhasli
Reservoir Engineer at eiLink R&D
On Sufficient Conditions For The Convergence of Damped Newton Methods for the Implicit Simulation of Transport[pdf]
Jiamin Jiang
Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University
Hybrid Multicontinuum and Discrete Fracture-Matrix Discretization Schemes For Unconventional Reservoir Simulation [pdf]
Ruslan Miftakhov
Chief Technology Officer at Gridpoint Dynamics
The Modified Continuation-Newton with Adaptive Steplength Selection [pdf]
Soham Sheth
Research Reservoir Engineer at TOTAL
A Priori Characterization of Locality Within Sequential-Implicit Nonlinear Solution Processes[pdf]